View Profile sinfulwolf
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I have with folks. I suppose that makes me an entertainer of sorts. I hope you can find something of mine that you enjoy and helps pass the time. Leave a comment, or not, the choice is yours.

Jackie @sinfulwolf

Age 36, Female


In a dark forest

Joined on 12/27/06

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War of the Damned Chapter 8: The Council

Posted by sinfulwolf - June 26th, 2010

This chapter came up a bit earlier than planned. I was aiming to have it up middle of next week. In other news I have entered another contest, the June MWC which is focusing on "Cinematic Action". My entered piece is a sci-fi war short, which I will be posting up here for easy findings once the contest has been judged, which will probably be late July, going into August. The contest itself ends July 1st. Good ol' Canada Day. Speaking of, I may enter in another "Blood of the Damned" Special for Canada day. It'll be fun to write another zombie piece, and this one, if done in time, will focus on events in Canada. Don't actually expect it as I'm still not sure if I'll do it or not.

Would also like to point out that this chapter contains a lesbian sex scene. It's rather brief, but for those not into sex, or don't like reading about any homosexual pairings, just skip the first sub-section of the chapter. Enjoy.

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Chapter 8: The Council

The heat of her skin was intoxicating. The rise and fall of her breasts as she let her breath in and out slowly was enchanting. The sheets fell over her hips gracefully, hiding her legs from view, but Gwenhwyfar had been between them not fifteen minutes earlier.

Arya smiled sweetly, turning over onto her side, blonde hair framing her soft features, blue eyes looking at the noble woman she shared a bed with. Gwenhwyfar returned smile, running fingers down the servant's neck and over her breasts. Arya's lips parted gently, eyes fluttering closed as Gwenhwyfar soaked in every second of this intimate moment.

Cupping the servant's breast, Gwenhwyfar sidled closer to her feeling a shiver run up her spine as the other woman let out a soft moan. Arya pressed herself against the vampire, lips tracing a soft trail down the noble woman's neck to the gentle slope of her shoulder. Gwenhwyfar bit her lower lip, feeling hands run over her flanks, kisses rolling over the swell of her breast before teeth trap a sensitive nipple.

As Gwenhwyfar let a moan of lust spill out into the room, Arya flicked her tongue over the bud clamped in her mouth feeling it stiffen under the attention. With a smile Gwenhwyfar couldn't see through closed eyes, Arya moved further down, fingertips ghosting over cool skin, warm kissed running over the noble's flat stomach, over a scar gained centuries before. With fingers running through the servant's hair, Gwenhwyfar eased Arya further down, her legs parting gently as the other woman settled between them, the kisses sinking her further down.

As Arya's tongue gently ran along Gwenhwyfar's womanhood, the vampire arched her back, letting out another low moan, a hand running along her own body as she was explored most intimately. Arya began to hungrily lick at the vampire's sex, drawing more moans of lust.

The chamber door opened, as Elishka walked in without warning. Arya let out a yelp, jumping up and grabbing at the sheets to conceal her nudity. Cut off unexpectedly from her euphoria, Gwenhwyfar gave the intruder an irritated glare, before noting the bundle tucked under Elishka's arms, as Arya huddled at the edge of the bed, sheets pulled up over her breasts.

"What do you want?" Gwenhwyfar demanded.

"The council has been called together, your attendance is expected. Here put something decent on," Elishka said, tossing the bundle onto the bed, revealing it to be a rather expensive looking dress of black and crimson.

Gwenhwyfar lifted the dress, feeling the soft dyed linen beneath her fingers, before coming to portion that covered her torso, and finding it made of firm leather with crimson laces running up the back. Despite herself, Gwenhwyfar raised an eyebrow and looked up at Elishka, whilst behind her Arya pulled on her own clothing to hide herself a look of confusion of her face, unable to understand the English words.

"It's a style some tailor made in France. It never caught on, but Lord Kessler seems to think you may like it," Elishka said simply as Gwenhwyfar pulled the dress on, slipping her arms down the loose sleeves, her hands completely free in the wide cuffs. Elishka moved up behind Gwenhwyfar and grasped the lacings.

"The most unfortunate part of this horrid design, is that you require another to get behind you and tighten it," Elishka said, pulling the garment tight, pushing Gwenhwyfar's breasts together. Arya glanced over, and the corner of her lips twisted up.

Gwenhwyfar frowned, adjusting her breasts beneath the dress until she was comfortable.

"That thing seems such a mockery of modesty. There's hardly anything I can't see. Regardless, we're wanted down in the council chambers," Elishka said in disgust before turning and moving back towards the door.

Gwenhwyfar turned to look at Arya, giving her a coy smirk before entering the hallway and closing the door behind her.


The two descended into the cold darkness beneath the castle. Cracked stone walls were covered in ice, and torches set in iron sconces flickered faintly, so close to extinguishing. Elishka walked before Gwenhwyfar, neither speaking as they approached the doors nestled in this underworld. Both could feel the unnatural chill in the air, could feel ice on their skin.

Elishka pushed the doors open, and the two women stepped inside a round chamber ringed with stone chairs carved into the wall, all looking in towards a large pit of blue flame. Facing the door was a large throne, wolf heads carved into the arm rests and the back, arching over a solitary figure clad in thin robes.

Elder Asgier stared at the two newcomers with unblinking eyes, his leathery skin drawn tight against his bones, ears elongated and pointed. He raised a skeletal hand, and gestured to two empty seats with pointed claws without a word, the fire flaring as he moved.

Both Gwenhwyfar and Elishka bowed before the elder before taking their seats, the fire calming as Asgier's hand fell back to the armrest. Gwenhwyfar's eyes darted about the room, finding herself in the company of about ten other vampires of her clan. She noticed Jurgen amongst the gathered, and recognized others as warriors of some form. So this was to be a council of war.

A well dressed man stepped out before the council, bowing to the elder. Gwenhwyfar noticed Elishka twitch slightly at the man's appearance; this must be her maker, Lord Von Kessler. His oiled and tied blonde hair, and perfectly trimmed beard instantly reminded Gwenhwyfar of her own maker, and she instantly despised the man. She also hated wearing this dress knowing it came from him.

"Fellow knights of the Wolf. We are gathered here to discuss grave matters," Von Kessler began, and again Gwenhwyfar glanced over to Elishka, wondering when she had gained the title of knight.

"In the east, as the humans fight over land and Gods, the Rose is becoming a weed that must be plucked out. They are toying with the very nature of our kind and calling it science," he continued, and someone stood up with a bow towards Asgier before speaking.

"Science should be left to the ever curious humans. What do they hope to claim through questioning our gift?" the noble man said before sitting once more.

"That is the question. They are converting humans into ghoulish monstrosities. Shadows of our own kind who seek only to tear and rend and do their bidding and feast on flesh. They are poised to strike against the kingdoms of humanity, and stake their own claim and set themselves as Gods with an army of blood thirsty angels at their beck and call," Von Kessler said, punctuating each word with a gesture of his hand.

At this, Asgier lifted his hand, gesturing towards Von Kessler's empty seat. The lord bowed deeply, moving back to his chair, before the elder rose slowly, the flames in the pit flaring brightly.

"What Von Kessler says is truth. Already, outside the walls of Antioch, one called Lancelot du Lac is turning crusading soldiers into a monstrous army, using the war and hate to move amongst them unrevealed. It will not be long before he makes his move on the holy cities, using their dead against them. I have called this council to wage the first war between clans since the era of the Romans," Asgier said, his voice like gravel as it left his lips, but everyone heard it like silk passing over their brains.

As he spoke though, Gwenhwyfar's back stiffened at the mention of Lancelot; her maker. The one who pulled her from the path of honour. The one who took advantage of her love for the kingdom, and in the end her act of betrayal had torn Arthur's heart asunder, and the kingdom had fallen to the Saxons. Still she listened to the elder, unable to escape his words that wormed inside her skull.

The elder went on, speaking of raising troops on the journey east, of attacking the castles and fortresses of the Clan of the Rose. While he spoke, he hardly moved, save small gestures of his head. Finally he stopped, his eyes turning to face Gwenhwyfar, seeming to bore into her soul.

"And you, lady Gwenhwyfar, shall strike against Lancelot in the holy land. Strike him down, get your revenge. Regain your honour," he said, all eyes of the council turning in her direction.

"Yes my lord," Gwenhwyfar stated as calmly as she could.


Alan walked carefully amongst the dead, holding his sword tightly in his fist. His helmet lay abandoned somewhere in the sand as he shuffled amongst the mutilated corpses, all of them wearing the uniform of the Lionheart. There were no others, none of Du Lac's men, no Saracens. Even most of the column was missing rather than laying desecrated in the desert. Curtis bent by each body, trying to see if any still lived, despite the very obvious state of death. The scout commander took daggers and swords from the fallen, strapping them to the horse that followed him obediently.

"My God," Alan muttered, eyes flicking from one torn body to the next, and finally settled on a spear driven into the ground, Garret's head impaled on the blade, blood running down the shaft. A buzzard had already landed on the knight's head and was picking at his eye.

"Get away from him," Alan yelled swinging his sword at the vulture. The bird let out a squawk and took off into the air, circling above the massacre with his fellow carrion eaters.

Falling to his knees, sword falling from his hands, Alan pounded on the ground, sorrow and rage clashing within him. Before him, the decapitated body of another friend was slumped against the spear. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and looking up, saw Salaam standing above him.

"Now is not the time to grieve. Now is the time to take up arms and destroy the evil which is doing this to both your people and mine," the Saracen warrior said calmly.

He moved to stand before the desecrated body of Garret, blocking it from Alan's view, and held out his hand. Alan clasped it firmly, letting this man who should have been his sworn enemy, help him to his feet.

"Together then," Alan said, pulling back his shoulders and not releasing Salaam's hand.

"Together, we shall fight the true holy war," the Saracen said.

Next Chapter

War of the Damned Chapter 8: The Council



Even without all that, this chapter is still really damn awesome.

Du Lac is growing ever and ever more of a great villian.

Alan and Salaam are sounding pretty awesome too, gonna remember that last line

Heh, thought people would enjoy the sex.
Still, glad you enjoyed it overall. Yes Du Lac is becoming ever more vile as the story goes on, as I always intended. And I am greatly enjoying writing Alan and Salaam as well. The story taking place during the crusades and in the Middle East I thought it only fair to include an Islamic character.


Glad you enjoyed it.

Not sure if I should've read the first part or not...
Also, seriously, how do you manage to find these pictures o.o

I'm just not sure Dx
What were you searching for when you found that?

Just -vampire- ?
And yeah, I saw the warning, that's why I wasn't sure if I should've read it or not :p


OK, no. None of that. Time for me to seriously review this.

Although, that opening scene really was steamy. Because it just isn't enough that you can depict dark and foreboding scenes, make really hardcore tense fight scenes, AND have expert dialogue. No, writing successful erotica just HAD to be in your inventory too. As of yet, I don't think there's anything you can't do. About the only thing left to achieve is make a legitimate child's story that couldn't be misconstrued as inappropriate. But, like I said, nice scene. Reading about how Arya's tongue ran along Gwen's womanhood was a wake up call to my manhood. >:)

And then Elishka just comes in and kills the mood. THAT was funny. :D

And, just like that, the council meeting connected so many things. It's here that I should announce that I, quite literally, associate the ability to include allusions in a story with skill. So, reading about LANCELOT Du Lac (wink) and his part in GWENHYFAR'S life (wink, wink) was a joy for me. I so ABSOLUTELY love allusions. And I'm so very happy to see them here. It now arises as a question: how did you learn to write so well? I hope Guardian at least somewhat comes close to sounding this good...

That last scene was excellent at setting the mood. And your dialogue (*cough* last line*cough*) NEVER ceases to amaze and impress me. You once said before that you didn't think you were made of the stuff to be a successful author. That the way you do things wouldn't appeal to publishers, let alone the public. I call bullshit on that. If you actually went pro with this, the New York Times would run out of praise to give your works. This is literature worth waiting for, worth buying. I'm fully aware that you're in the military now. When you retire, you should consider writing. I know you'd get far.

Dammit I wanna be one of those girls in that picture! If that means a gender change is in order, so be it! YEAH I SAID IT!!! BITE ME!!!!
And I mean that in more ways than one!


PS: My first Guardian post is near completion! Just got a few last things to write up, and I'll post! Expect that sometime tonight, if not tomorrow...

I find that with this story, I really have to capture so many different aspects. It's a vampire story and I wanted to tap into the seductive and sexual nature of their mythos that we as a society have given them. I also wanted to display their darkness, but not just of the vampires but of the time period itself. The middle ages were brutal and dark and ripe for stories chock full of dark imagery and violence. So that's what I've tried to capture here, sexuality and violence. They almost go hand in hand in this little world of mine.

I had debated whether to play out the sex scene fully, or have it interrupted. I finally decided on the later so that the sex didn't seem just "Tacked on". As to your comments on my sexual writing, thank ye. Smut is the root of my writing abilities really. I did odds and ends until I was about 16, then I started writing smut and nothing else for a few years. Blood of the Damned was really my first foray into something that wasn't sexual. With War however, I wanted to touch back with what I started with. Not so much that it stole from the main story, but enough to add to it. To me, the sex really grounds Gwenhwyfar as a character, making her seem somewhat human still despite not quite being alive.

The council meeting I felt could have been a bit stronger, but I wasn't sure how to go through with it without making it drag out and bore the reader. So I made it fairly simple, and did my best to start and explain things. It's been 7 chapters since Gwenhwyfar was summoned to Narvik and I still hadn't really explained why. Making the connection between Du Lac and Gwenhwyfar as well was a big step. Not many people are so intimate with Arthurian legend that they know the original Welsh spelling of Guinevere, nor that Lancelot's last name was Du Lac. So putting that right out there was good for those that didn't know those back stories. Sure I hadn't really made it secret, but it's good to confirm everything.

The last portion was supposed to be much longer, but I felt short and to the point worked better. Cram in some violent imagery and a moment of brotherhood between two former enemies, and I had exactly the scene I wanted to tell. Length doesn't always mean quality, so the shorter cap of the chapter is much more efficient at telling my story. I also do like ending chapters with a good line apparently.

As to being a professional author. Sure I probably could make it, but people these days are getting tired of vampire stories, and the people that aren't getting tired of them, are not looking for what I offer. It's a slim chance to make it, but at the end of the day the main reason I don't want to go professional is because this is a hobby of mine. I really enjoy writing and entertaining, and don't want to make it work, because that will sap the enjoyment out of it for me, and in the end start to sap away the quality. So be happy that you'll always get my stuff for free online.

I really liked the picture too, and have been waiting to use some of my more sexual pictures. Blood of the Damned was half zombie pictures, and the vampire ones while good looking, tended to be a little more vicious. In this one, I play with many more vampire characters, and so the pictures tend to be a little more sensual and mysterious. The sexuality of this chapter just matched the picture perfectly.

Can't wait to read yer own story, but I hope you won't be upset if I give an honest review that may or may not sound mean. In my mind pointing out flaws in a constructive manner can really help an author improve.

Did I ever mention I'm way too curious? Dx

First off, I totally have to agree with you. Making it clear that Gwen has a penchant for passionate lust is a trait that is clearly human, despite her not really being human. It gives depth to her character, that's for certain. Again, you earn points for that clever little technique.

*facepalms* Gwenhyfar, Guinevere, ugh... I should have seen that coming! And to be honest, I have watched/ read quite a bit on Arthurian lore. And, in all honesty, his last name was never once mentioned. He always had been referred to as Sir Lancelot. And that was that. Makes it hard for me to have a clear picture of what he should look like now...

And, personally, I think the council meeting had a lot of strength as was. The simple truths, it's short bluntness and revelation of the facts gave quite the punch, with all these big things hitting home with me. I can't speak for the other readers, but I feel that was well written.

Well, I think you would be great... but I understand your reasons for not wanting to be an author and I respect that. I apologize in advance if I should happen to forget and mention it again.

And my First post is nearly ready! It's going to be an introductory post though, because I have a plan. If I want to get people's attention to it on the forums, where do you think I should post?

Thanks! I enjoy your literature and I hope you can enjoy mine!


PS: Before I forget, I would like to make something clear. I don't know if I've told you before, but I'll tell you now: I prefer truth over personal feelings. If you have ANY criticisms, DO NOT sugar coat and don't bullshit me either. Say it like it is. If it stinks (heaven forbid my performance in English all these years garner a result like that...), TELL THE TRUTH. I know you wouldn't lie to me, but don't try to nice up anything you say in regards to my work. Ok?

I definitely thought it did. As well as being perfect for playing into that sensual seductive side of vampires.

Well to be truthful, Gwenhwyfar isn't a spelling commonly used. Lots of people don't know what that name would be as it sounds so separate from the romantic Arthurian tales. Indeed where you will find that name, she's more warrior like, Pagan, involved in witchcraft. Definitely not the romantic Christian tales that are much more prevalent.

Well glad you thought it had strength. Simple and blunt can sometimes be much much more effective than complex and subtle.

Good to hear your post is nearing completion. I've been waiting awhile now. Not as long as for Red Dawn, but awhile.

And don't worry, I won't sugar coat it. Just letting you know its coming.

All in all, I liked it.
Why did you decide to start writing a story about vampires?

Hehe, sounds intriguing that you just decided with it on the spot.
I just discovered I have 1337 blams >.> I'm bored

I've never really taken to horror/romance books, though I do like reading about vampires. Have you read Cirque Du Freak?

I have more saves :3

I appreciate fantasy. It lets your imagination run wild.

Any tips on how to think of new ideas/be creative/be more imaginative?

Do you read a lot? I find it's what improves your writing skills. I hardly ever watch movies, but I'll keep that in mind. Games can be a great inspiration, but...I dunno.

Dreams are a great one, although for me it usually turns out to be nightmares. ):

I'm pretty sure drowning on the titanic is NOT a good dream.

A story about a sinking ship is not my idea of something fun to write.
I don't usually encounter positive dreams very often.

Everyone does.


Just really short for "I guess so" in a reluctant way, I guess.