View Profile sinfulwolf
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I have with folks. I suppose that makes me an entertainer of sorts. I hope you can find something of mine that you enjoy and helps pass the time. Leave a comment, or not, the choice is yours.

Jackie @sinfulwolf

Age 36, Female


In a dark forest

Joined on 12/27/06

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woah that wuz awsome

Glad yer enjoying the story.

Dammit, I've been beaten to first again! Gotta work on my timing...

This was short but sweet. Sweet as blood, fuhahaha! This one has a lot of tension build up, I can almost taste it...

0_0 John= Subject 05 anyone? Or, is there something even more powerful, more vicious than even John himself? All shall soon be revealed.

At this point, reading this is (no joke) affecting my internal organs at this point. My stomach, heart and mind all begin to stir when it feels that the pent-ultimate climax approaches. I can feel a great confrontation coming, I know it.
(Psst. This is my way of telling you that the suspense build is really excellent on your part. Kudos to you! :)

That last line was just fucking RAWESOME. Don't take this post down, I never want to forget it...

Nice picture. From the 28 series, right? My money says the sequel.

Shoving shotguns, storage n shams so sending sticks stays stemmed,


All shall soon be revealed, as the trio makes their way to the compound. There won't be the epic fight just yet. I want to explain things first, as well as set up threads to be explored in the next story I'm going to write.

I'm glad I'm managing to work the suspense up, and the climbing build to the climax of the story.

I liked that line myself. Really sets John apart as a zombie from most other undead mythologies. This post won't come down until a writer's portal appears on NG. Though I may put this story up elsewhere, this post won't be leaving. (Also, even if I do put this story up elsewhere, the "Specials" are Newgrounds exclusive)

The picture was indeed from 28 Weeks Later.

As for my hint earlier in this comment, earlier more people decided they wanted a fantasy. I decided to twist that slightly and write a prequel of sorts to Blood of the Damned set in Medieval Europe. This will allow me to explore the vampire society a little more intimately, as well as unveil the origins of the zombies.

Awesome addition to the story. It's getting better and better.

Seeing John discover his roots felt really sentimental. It must have really gotten him, to know that instead of being born human, he was mutated into his obscene state. I wonder what he's going to do to that scientist...

I find the fact that Haley is going to take Jay and Lila with her stupid. She could just pick both of them up and carry them to the safe-point! I guess she wants to get to the lab before the zombies do, but that doesn't explain why Haley hasn't been carrying them ever since they met. Oh, well, I guess it's not even my story anyways. If it was mine, it wouldn't be half as good...

I like the direction this is going. I nice climax is in store...

John is special to me. He's my villain that I based off a protagonist of a canceled game called "Possession". There wasn't anything to work off of from what little story wise I know of that game to shape his personality and thoughts, but what he is I must admit to being inspired by outside sources. Still, I like him as a villain.

Haley is strong, but not God-like. She can't run insanely fast, so she'd have to put down her burden to fight everything a zombie ambled along if she did carry them. Also, carrying people is awkward. Especially for long distances. I've trained in carrying a single person, and that was awkward enough. I don't even want to try two. That's why she doesn't carry them. She did carry Jay out of the forest though.

Glad you like the direction of this.


truly awesome

i find that John's stories mean so much more now, i just finished Dead Space.

keep 'em comming

I don't know if this chapter qualifies as epic, but thank you for thinking so.

I've not played Dead Space, so I don't know how that links to John. Good news, I didn't steal from Dead Space :P

More will come. I haven't reached the end of this part of the tale yet.


Glad you enjoyed.

not played Dead Space

you should, it is the scariest game out there

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGqq389a43E&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGqq38 9a43E&feature=related</a>

I've seen enough about it to know that the gameplay doesn't attract me very much. As for scariness, it's not the scariest game out there. There was this older game that controlled much like the original Resident Evil games that I couldn't even play through the full demo of it scared the shit out of me so much.

I also found the plot and possibility of the newest Call of Duty absolutely terrifying. Perhaps because I've been in combat? I dunno, but the thought of having a nuke goes off that shuts down all this electro gear that militaries are becoming accustomed to, and once again fighting in rain slogged streets with knives and iron sights is deathly griping to me.

Hell, even DooM 3 was fairly scary when it first came out. And let us not forget Silent Hill 2. That was a creepy game. Strange enemies shuffling out of a choking fog whilst you had naught but a lead pipe to defend yourself. Wandering the darkened halls of a blood spattered hospital, and listening to the the undead nurses.

Hell, even the catacomb levels of Diablo 1, with the incessant and chilling laughter of children sending a shiver up my spine as my blade cut through demon flesh.

still walking around listening to an audio clip of amn cutting his own arms off so that when he becomes infected he can't hurt any body

then you turn around, a Necromorh leaps at you, slowy clwaing at your shoulders, its teeth ripping through your flesh, ripping your arms off at the joints, only to pull you in to its stomach using a pair of hands in his abdomen.

don't you dare tell me thats not scary, or painful

but i soppose Ironsights and knives is scary too, but in a differnt way.

I never said it wasn't scary, but don't claim for things to be the "scariest" or "most epic" because it's not. Dead Space does indeed seem to be a scary game, but going overboard in describing the gore also doesn't make it scary.

Look at the movie signs. With a PG rating in Canada it still managed to be one of the scarier movies I'd seen at that point, over the countless amounts of "horror" titles I've gone through that had rivers of blood.

no you know what the scariest thing is?


I've not read it.

please do

it will make you think

i read it, soon after finishing it i almost went insane.

i seriusly doubted my own exsitence and everything around me for about a week

history is nothing but lies

Wow... impressionable much?
I've read enough material to make me think. Gone through books like "Whose War is it" and such, but I've never gone insane. Really, that's just useless. Insanity doesn't help.
And history is not entirely lies. To say such a thing is nothing but left winged propaganda. Yes, the left uses propaganda as well, don't make them think that only the right wing of politics does. Indeed, the left are just as insideous because they pretend to be such goody two shoes.
Yes, history is written by the victor. Yes, things have been altered to show a better light, but it is not "nothing but lies." The D-Day landings on Normandy beaches happened. The Battle of Vimy Ridge, happened. the Tet Offensive, happened. Korea, happened.

Really, the book hasn't interested me enough to want to pick it up. Tis why I'm currently reading Richar Morgan's "The Steel Remains", before starting on a King Arthur book from the point of view of Guenivar. Of course its under the original Welsh spelling, which I learned of in Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles series. Which is the best version of Arthurian legend I've read, in my opinion.

even in MW2 i heard it again

"History is written by the victor"

It's not propaganda i'm talking about.

for example, if you killed a man, then erased all his papers and records.

he never existed

You still said that history is "nothing but lies". Meaning that whatever occured in the past... didn't. According to that statement. Hence, I call bullshit.

yes, thats the mind fuck.

you have no clue if it really did happen.

You ever watch The Twilight Zone?

Donnie Darko is a pretty good mind fuck, since you seem to go out looking for them. I don't really. I'm a pretty simple person, and don't much care for mind fuck material.

There was this one episode i think it was called "Then the sky opened up"

anyway, these three cosmonauts just came back, and lived through a huge crash.

there were 3 guys, then one guy goes outside, and dissapears.

only one of them remebers him. there were 3 beds in the room now there are 2.

no trace of the third man exist, other than the first mans memory.

the second man calls his parents and they say they have never heard of him, he collaspes, first guy helps him up

number 2 looks at him and says "I don't know what happend, i feel like, i don't belong. I think that we were supposed to die in that crash, but somebody messed up, and we got through. We wern't supposed to."

the first guy goes and gets help, when he explains what happend, the help says "What other guy, you came in alone."

The first man turns to the place where the second man collapsed and sees nothing there

The episode ends when the first man is back in the hospital, he looks in a mirror and sees nothing. He runs screaming out in the hallway. You look in the hall and nobody is there.

The nurse that was taking care of him goes over to the other room and ask where her patient went.

the sencond nurse says "What patient?"

Indeed. I've heard of it, and seen some episodes. I'm just not a huge fan.

wow, that was the worse description of any Twilight Zone episode ever

i'm sorry Rod Sterling.

It was okay, but it looses punch when sumarized.

i suppose, but it ain't worthy of Rod Sterling.

but no you should read 1984

that and Farenhiegt 451

I really have no intention of reading them. I know their classics and all that, but the plots don't interest me enough to put down the many books I currently have awaiting my attention to read something that really doesn't interest me. So please stop recomending them to me because I will not read them.

Now, can we please keep away from my reading and watching habits and concentrate more on what is displayed here on this entry, because you have said so very little about the series.

very well

just saying if you run out of books....yeah.

well anyway, i honsetly love the series.

all of your characters seem so lifelike, or undeadlike.

Your skills as an author trulyer are amazing, i love how you go into to detail and describe things more graphicly.

Don't worry, I won't be running out of books for awhile.

As for my graphic descriptions, I tend to focus intimately on some moments of violence. It brings the brutality of the world into sharper focus.

good, keep it graphic.

we need more authors like you

There are plenty... if ye know where to look.

ah damn

scratch that hopeful deadline of the weekend.


plan around it then. What do your parties consist of anyway?

to much crazy shit

last party, some licked a rusty katana, we got shocked with an eletric dog collar.

and we stayed up for 37 hours

ah. I see. I remember one part me and four friends decided to bash up a truck with a propane tank and a flashlight.

we tried to tackle a deer

Now that's just getting dumb. Why are you trying so fuckin hard to outdo me?

i'm not

its just it was 2 in the morning

we were bored and there were deer outside.

we never got him though

No shit. One of the only people I know who actually wrestled a deer had shot him first.

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