View Profile sinfulwolf
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I have with folks. I suppose that makes me an entertainer of sorts. I hope you can find something of mine that you enjoy and helps pass the time. Leave a comment, or not, the choice is yours.

Jackie @sinfulwolf

Age 36, Female


In a dark forest

Joined on 12/27/06

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The only thing that mars this ending is the fact that it's sunrise and Haley's a vampire. But the ride has ended. The struggle is over. And even though I never commented on the previous chapters, this was a ride I enjoyed from start to finish. Because I did read it all. Enjoyed it all. Remembered it all. And there's no way I'll forget this. It's been a hell of a ride. Nice riding with ya.

Thanks for the grade A read,


PS: Did you get my last comment on the semi final installment? I left a comment that was unanswered. When you reply to this (and you will, you know it), give me your answer. Thanks a lot.

PPS: Sometime within the next two-three days, I'm gonna make a new post. My last one was kinda dumb and I aim to fix it. Nothing important, but what the hell.

I'm very happy you enjoyed, you've always delivered good feedback and gave me something amusing to read with your comments. So you're welcome for the read.
Now, as for Haley being out on the dock while the sun is starting to rise, I was aware. Alluded to that with Haley's dry remark of "I hope they hurry". However, it could become less "out there" after a bit of a dip into War of the Damned.

Actually, forget the first post script, read your response. And I only suggested anime because:

A) No matter how hard one may try, supernatural phenomenon is EXACTLY that. You can't make it real. With that mindset, I believed it should be embraced. And

B) Having anime art style will be beneficial to the fight scenes, as they would become much more stylized and have more impact I believe.

But that's just my opinion. And what you see matters more cuz you made the series. :)

Signing out for now,


You can embrace something not being real, without having to fall back on an anime style. It just isn't me, I've never really liked the style very much. I like realistic style for my work because it suits me, suits that despite the strange tapestry of the story I try to tell, I like to make the characters and world real despite the very strange happenings going on.
As to the fights, I don't think they'd have more impact. In fact I think they'd have less of an impact with an anime style. I always tried to have short and brutal fights. I've never liked that many fights in most anime shows. It was too... unreal. Delayed blood spurts, lots of jumping about with motion lines... I could go on. I see something much more akin to say... "Kingdom of Heaven". Loved the fight scenes in that, never that long, no slow motion time, just *clash, clash, splash*. That's what I want, especially for the upcoming War of the Damned.

I think it was a hell of a ride. A fitting end to this story now you have to work on the prequel.

Indeed I do, and I'm starting it now. It should be up soon.

kool lalalalalalalala

Thank you

First thing I noticed was the F word =c
Nice ending, where's the story archive?

a wonderful end to an amazing story.

i smiled when you mentioned the frying pan, brings those memories of Dead Rising back to me.

you truly are an amazing author.

Why thank you.

As to the frying pan, I'm glad it brought back amusing memories, but I was honestly just trying to think of something fairly common that didn't need power that could be heated up to cauterize a wound. Frying pan was the second thing that came to mind (first was a torch).

And again, thank you.

wow simply epic. You are a amazing writer ever think about making and publishing a book?

Thought about it, but my work is a bit short for that. I write simply to entertain and I can do that for free of charge. I'll get my money elsewhere.

Also, thank you.

And... did you read the whole thing or just this chapter?

why did you have to end it?!!! WHY????!!!!!!!!

Because I didn't want to drag it out. This felt like a natural ending to me, so I let it end when it wanted.

great ending to a great story. i havent read all of it yet but im reading as much as i can and will finish soon. have you thought of making another story

I am starting work on a prequel to this one actually. Less focus on zombies, and much more focus on vampires, with a broader scope for plot. I hope it turns out well as I'm trying some new things with it.

i suppose a frying pan would work, if you could get it hot enough.

i really need to get on top of things and keep writing again.

I'm not entirely sure if it would work myself. I've not had an experience with a frying pan. I think it might be able to work... just not as effectively as open flames.

hey there friend.

Guten Tag

it should work perfectly

just not sure how you could heat it up that much.

yeah... we just found a plot hole in my own story. Damnit.

who says they couldent have left in a fire for like a long time

*shrugs* sounds like a bit of a cop-out really. Still, the story isn't perfect. Looking back at it, I see quite a few issues.

I'm just saying you should make an accessible link on every chapter if it isn't too much work.

When do you find the time to write?

Yes the girl knows how i feel and YES the other guy knows how i feel about the girl. so what ELSE can i do?

Well if she knows how you feel and she still isn't commiting to any relationship, I'd say you might want to consider moving on, or figuring out a suave way of wooing her. Ranting and raging doesn't work, and if she caught wind of it, she would simply assume that you're jealous. You're not even in a relationship and your jealous, that doesn't look good for you. Not trying to be mean, just being blunt.

My post are clear as clear can be. and i've calmed down now.

Well that's good, though I'd rather you bring this to conversation to PMs to keep this area clear for those who want to talk about my writing, or their own writing. Besides this being your personal life, I don't know how much you want others looking into it.

Well, you probably don't remember me but, a new chapter's up. (look back to previous posts for details)

I'll check it out.

Thanks for the advice! By next chapter, I can promise you that your questions will be answered.

Looking forward to it.

i found a rather interesting Zombie related song

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OARmqz48Mh0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OARmqz 48Mh0</a>

i find it just awesome.

thank you for sharing.