View Profile sinfulwolf
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I have with folks. I suppose that makes me an entertainer of sorts. I hope you can find something of mine that you enjoy and helps pass the time. Leave a comment, or not, the choice is yours.

Jackie @sinfulwolf

Age 36, Female


In a dark forest

Joined on 12/27/06

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Writer's block...
I hate it when that happens. I conjure up a good idea and start writing but after a few pages I start to lose the path that I wanted the story to take...

As for this story, I'm a bit short on time, I'll check back on this.

an exellent story, as always you are one of the best writers i have ever seen.

like the picture too

Really glad you enjoyed it. A fresh genre for me really kind of cleared away cob webs. After writing all about vampires, and then focusing entirely on the medieval world for the past few months, it was nice to do something else.

Picture was nice.

great now that story got me wanna commit suicide.

How so? This story isn't really all that depressing.

Who gets the credit for the nice picture?

Very good story. I did notice that you definitely flexed those vocabulary muscles of yours and really went heavy with the detail here. In fact, to be brief, you could put this little gem on your resume and no employee would ever question your intelligence, let alone your creativity. ;)

This was another good short story, but I do crave War of the Damned again. I hope your writers block cures up soon. If it doesn't feel free to contact me. I'll listen.



The picture unfortunately I could not find the artist for. I found it off some random site and it never gave an artist's name, which is very unfortunate.

I did try here, I wanted to try and paint a picture of the battle field. This piece in particular is really only part of a larger story I may tell some day, but in the meantime I just wanted to give a one shot glance into this world.

I want to write more War of the Damned, however, it being a slightly more complicated plot then Blood, where I'm going isn't as clear as it's sequel. I have a good idea, but it's small details that drag me back. Hopefully it's cleared up soon, but don't expect anything until at least next week. I've got some judging to do over at the writing forum for the July MWC.

You're a judge for the writing forum? SWEET! Congratulations! What's this I hear about a future moderator for the Literature Portal? ;)

No artist found? Drat...

What's this "try," business? You didn't try to paint a picture, you SUCCEEDED in painting a picture of the battle field. If beauty is measured by the details that make it real, then this stands as one of the most beautifully written battle fields I have ever seen.

And I'm sorry for the delay of Guardian and my response to your PM. Something I aim to fix ASAP.


I'm just an on and off judge for the MWCs, whenever I don't think I'll be able to put an entry in. As for mod, not up to me in the least. No lit portal at the moment, and writing forum doesn't need any more mods, so I doubt I'll get into that position.

Yeah, no artist, which is a shame cause I like this picture.

I always say try. I'm very happy you felt I succeeded, but I'm sure there's someone out there who doesn't think I did. But they've yet to speak up to me, but we'll see how the judging goes.

Delays are going to happen, look at War of the Damned. It's been at least a month since the last chapter, which is why I posted this piece to begin with.

I notice your main characters are almost always female...even in a war scene where most would be biased to talk about only men

sorry i was acting mean.it was my fault not yours.

It's okay. Things happen.

There's usually some kind of romantic relation like that in most young adult books, especially female main characters...always a main male and female character. I guess it's just how the society of writing works.

Nice writing, although it's the only piece of yours I've read the whole way through. Your others are interesting too; I'm just daunted by burning my retinas out staring at the screen for too long. This story seemed a bit rushed though. As hypocritical as it is, I think you need more installments; there's so much potential in the characters and setting alone.

Though I must ask, why was it called St. Michael's Seraphim?

Thank you. And yes, the others are somewhat long, and still qualified under short stories.

This particular piece I guess was indeed a bit rushed. I just kinda sat down and let it all come out. However, despite this being a one shot, it's part of a larger universe. I do hope to write a full fledged story based around these characters and this war some day, and this was just a glimpse into the world.

As for the title, Seraphim was really a tip of the hat to Warhammer 40K, and the jet pack equipped Battle Sisters. The St Michael part was because that St. Michael is often considered to be the patron saint of paratroopers, which is what the characters are in this story.

You prefer female to female? ;P

That's usually what happens in real life, I find...

So how did this entry fare?

When does it get judged?

Was this contest popular? If yes, it might take awhile...

Ah, I see...
Although considering it's been pretty much two weeks I say they're taking their time...

You take time out of your every day to write your stories :)

You know what I mean.

If I was in your postition I'd probably be anxious for the results and worried.

I envy you in that prospect.

good story XC

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