I have to write another zombie short like I did many... many pages back. Perhaps with a vampire character as well? Could be fun.
Regardless, not sure of the artist for the picture below, but I quite like it. Sexy, but not raunchy. If you don't like female sexuality, not the picture for you. If can not comprehend how a painter or digital artist can make something that someone might find sexually stimulating, not for you. If you want to start a crusade against art like this, get a fucking life and open your fucking eyes. People are getting massacred in the name of Gods and Messiahs, drugs are getting handed out like candy, rapists walk the streets, but fuck... if someone should look at a drawn picture with nudity, sexuality, or even implied then they have commited a horrible horrible sin. They should be condemned, humiliated, and degraded.
So let us forget the true evils of the world, to focus on some harmless sex, and make it seem like the most evil of things that looms over this world, even though without it we would have died out millions of years ago. Before you say that humans don't deserve to live, than you are a pessimistic and hateful fuck. Back on track, sex is a nice thing to have with a consensual partner. Should I see any comments about rape below, you are a sick fuck not even worth talking to, and you deserve a bullet to the brain to get you out of this world, because you are just part of the problem. Consensual sex is beautiful, no matter the gender either. I better not get any homophobic comments below either, because you're just another human hating problem.
The world is dark and forboding, to hate on people because of sex... wake the fuck up.
Enjoy the picture.
i agree with everything you just said. wow i dont agree with people often consider yourself lucky
I am lucky once in awhile.