Nice Flash
The song was awesome, but there were a few sequences where the beat of the song seemed out of line with what was happening on the screen.. While it doesn't make or break a flash, it would have looked and sounded better. On the same note of sounds however, it was strange how little you had, and somewhat jarring. Besides the explosions near the start and the guy talking on the radio, there wasn't anything, but that made the other sounds seem so very out of place.
Graphics were good, fit in with the Madness style well... except the guns. The guns looked atrocious. While that's fine with most flashes, in Madness the weaponry is supposed to look almost better than the people, so I was fairly disappointed in the box like firearms that you used.
Also, story wise... okay I know most Madness flashes have very little story... but this one was supposed to allude to Batman I think (I caught a few references), but there was nothing at all to explain where he was (outside the subtitle) and why he was there. So I was left watching random killing, which, admittedly has been done much better.