View Profile sinfulwolf
I enjoy writing, and I enjoy sharing what I have with folks. I suppose that makes me an entertainer of sorts. I hope you can find something of mine that you enjoy and helps pass the time. Leave a comment, or not, the choice is yours.

Jackie @sinfulwolf

Age 36, Female


In a dark forest

Joined on 12/27/06

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sinfulwolf's News

Posted by sinfulwolf - October 22nd, 2009

Apologies for the late update. I've been pretty sick for the past week and its been distracting me a lot. However, I did manage to get this together, so I hope you all enjoy this latest installment.

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Previous Chapter

Blood of the Damned
Part 4

"Are you ready?" Lila asked; her hand on the door.

Joey nodded in response, and the door was flung open. A zombie stumbled inside, and before it even lunged for the two living human's Joe's wrench connected solidly with the creature's skull. As the undead creature collapsed to the ground Lila stepped outside, swinging her lead pipe at another of the infected.

"Through the alleys, they won't see us... hopefully," Joey called out above the noise of chaos that had claimed the city.

Screams and gunshots still echoed between the buildings. The undead have not taken over completely just yet. Joey knew that they both still had a chance if the living were still trying to desperately fend off these avatars of death.

Lila followed Joey through the alleys, moving around dumpsters and bags of garbage, keeping an eye behind them for any zombies that might decide to come up from behind.

A scream from above caught Joey' attention, his gaze sweeping up the walls of the buildings around him.

Someone was falling from the roof, a zombie desperately grabbing for him as they plummeted towards the concrete.

"Watch out!" Joey yelled, getting Lila to dive out of the way.

The zombie's head hit a fire escape ladder, and it slumped down to collapse on the edge of a dumpster, its neck broken. The man who had jumped collided without pause into the ground. Blood spurted from his body and the sound of crunching bones filled the air.

"Oh God," Lila said, moving closer to the man, while looking over at the zombie to ensure it was actually dead.

Joey knelt beside the stranger. The man's arms were snapped, the bones of the forearms piercing through the skin, the fingers of the left hand utterly mangled. A piece of bone jutted from his left leg, and his right foot was pointed in the wrong direction.

Joey forced himself to look away from the mess.

"H-help m-me," the man gasped weakly as blood flowed from between his lips.

Joey stood up and started walking down the alley. He couldn't do anything, he knew that. The man was as good as dead.

He heard bones snapping, and turned around to see Lila crouched over the man, his head grasped gently in her hands. She had just snapped his neck.

"We couldn't just leave him like that," she explained, standing up and fetching her lead pipe.

"No... you're right," Joey responded, though he tried to push the scene of what just happened from his mind.

The whir of a helicopter passing overhead caught both their attentions. Looking up once more they saw the military aircraft speeding over the city. Out of nowhere, a bright object with a tail of smoke soured towards the helicopter, crashing into its tail with an explosion.

"What the fuck was that?" Joey asked, looking up as the helicopter spun out of control, its tail missing. It drifted out past the city and into the wilderness.

"I don't know... but we have to watch our backs for humans now," Lila replied with a frown.


The sound of metal breaking and folding over on itself filled Haley's ears. Her head turned towards to the north, where a forest had been pushed back by the sprawl of the city. Smoke drifted into the night sky, and the vampire warrior frowned.

Beneath the pale moonlight she ran across farmland, rushing through fields of slaughtered cattle and stumbling zombies. She wasted no attention on them, they were nothing at the moment.

As she moved through the foliage of the forest, somehow moving like a ghost, feet making hardly a sound as they pushed off fallen logs and rocks. Each step avoided the twigs and fallen leaves that were scattered across the ground.

Gunshots echoed between the oaks and maples of the forest. Slow and steady; the shooter was a professional and still calm. However, that wouldn't help against a horde.

Haley emerged into a clearing made by a crashed helicopter. Broken trees lay across the ground, some fallen over the twisted frame of the military chopper. Smoke poured out of the cockpit though there was no visual fire. A single soldier was sitting next to the aircraft, one hand holding an M4 carbine, whilst the other pulled a tourniquet tight around his leg.

A few zombies were stumbling out of the forest towards him, and he carefully took aim using either his arm or a nearby branch to steady his weapon.

As soon as Haley appeared, he fired a shot, the bullet tearing through her chest. Blood spurted from the wound and she instinctively ducked, biting her lower lip in pain.

"Hold your fucking fire, I'm not one of them," Haley yelled out to the soldier.

"Jesus. Are ya hurt badly?" he shouted back, firing another shot at a zombie, the bullet tearing into its brain.

Haley looked down at her chest, the bullet having missed the leather jacket, but putting a hole clean through her undershirt and into the top of her breast. She sighed as the bullet was pushed out of her body.

"No," she said. He must not have seen the blood spurt.

She didn't bother watching the muscles knit themselves back together, or the veins spread like spiderwebs back into place, or the skin stretch back over what would have been a mortal wound.

"Good," he shouted back, as Haley approached once more.

"Any more weapons in that chopper?" she asked as she knelt beside the soldier, pushing his hand away to tighten his tourniquet herself.

Something had cut his calf open pretty deep. The tourniquet would have helped but it still needed proper bandaging.

"Yeah, two M4s in the back, and everyone in there had a pistol," the soldier informed her.

"Cover me then," Haley said, climbing into the shattered helicopter.

She heard the soldier swear and start shooting at more of the undead that stumbled towards them from the darkness of the forest. She had to be quick, this place was still very close to the city, and the crash was like a flare to everything on the island, living or not.

She grabbed two pistols with their holsters and some extra magazines. She pulled the one M4 that hadn't been mangled by the crash from the cold and bloodless fingers of a decapitated soldier. The head was no where to be found, and his blood covered his entire body.

Haley ignored it, using her shirt to wipe it off the carbine before pulling magazines from the dead man's tactical vest. She didn't say any words to the dead men sprawled across the deck of the aircraft, but grabbed a first aid kit that had slid beneath one of the seats.

"We need to get out of here now," she told the soldier, quickly pulling some bandages from the kit. She glanced at the nametag emblazoned on his chest, reading Jaskiewicz in the digital camouflage writing.

"Yeah... well its going to be impossible for me to move through this shit," Jaskiewicz said, wincing as Haley tightened bandages over the gash on his calf, his blood running over her pale hands.

"I'm aware. I'll carry you," she said, finishing her impromptu first aid, before slapping a magazine in her stolen M4 and cocking the action.

"No offense... but look at you. You don't look like you could carry me alone, much less with all this gear on," Jaskiewicz told her bluntly.

Haley turned slightly and shot a zombie through the head. The back of its skull broke open and its brains sprayed across the foliage behind it. Without any more words she slipped an arm underneath the soldier's body, and hefted him over her shoulder.

"Holy fuck!" he shouted out, but Haley was already moving. She wasn't entire sure where though.

Somewhere better than here.

Next Chapter

Blood of the Damned  Part 4

Posted by sinfulwolf - October 11th, 2009

Well here it is. Part 3. Do hope you enjoy. The picture at the bottom is me blatantly stealing my character design for Haley from somewhere else. Bonus points for those who guess what the picture is. Regardless... enjoy chapter 3.

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Previous Chapter

Blood of the Damned
Part 3

The loud boom of the double barrelled shotgun echoed in the twilight air.

"Get off my lawn you undead fucks!" Phil O'Conner yelled as he broke his weapon's barrel.

Two of the undead were scuttling towards him, hissing. They ignored the fallen zombie, stepping over him and the brains splattered across the grass. Phil cursed, letting loose a stream of foul language as he slipped a shell into each of the chambers.

He thumbed the two hammers back into place as the creatures moved ever closer to his porch. Finger settled on the first trigger he fired, throwing one zombie away from his home. That same finger quickly fell back to the second trigger as the second zombie lurched up the steps, torn hands reaching for the lone farmer.

"fuck ya!" Phil yelled, and fired.

The zombie's skull was shattered, just as its body tumbled down the steps, splashing gore across the grass.

Phil let out a long breath, then reloaded his gun. He walked inside his home, closing the door behind him and locking it. He wandered into the kitchen and turned on his radio. He looked at the dial to make sure that it was still set to the local station. There had been nothing from the mainland for the past week, and everyone feared the United States had finally gone dark after the virus had struck a little over three years before.

Dark just like the United Kingdom had gone five years ago. No more life came out, and no one dared go in.

Phil sighed. There was nothing but static coming over the radio. The city must have fallen completely. No one knew how the virus had gotten here. But it first showed up about two weeks ago, and everything had slowly degenerated into what it was now.

Phil looked into his pantry, checking the food stocks. Enough to last him and his daughter for a few weeks. With his wife it would have been a shorter time... but she wasn't around any longer.

Phil choked back tears at the thought of what he had to do to her, of what she had almost done to their little girl. He let out a sigh and looked out the back window to where her grave was, the homemade cross like a beacon of loss.


Joey slammed the door shut and let out a long breath before sliding down the concrete wall so he could rest.

"Those fuckers are fast... they were never that fast in the movies," he panted while the woman checked around for other entrances to the garage, ensuring they were safe for the moment.

"Some movies had fast zombies in it," she muttered absently as she pushed a bit on large garage door, checking its give.

"Shut up," Joey responded as he looked around.

He noted the work bench, and the tools laying all over and the oil spills on the ground. There was a car raised up so the mechanic could work on it. He thought about taking it for a minute before he realized the engine block had been removed for repairs.

"My name's Lila by the way," the woman said, walking over from checking the door that led into the office. She held out her hand.

Joey got to his feet and grasped it, shaking it heartily.

"Joey," he introduced, before walking over to the work bench.

He started going through the various tools, before pocketing a screwdriver and taking up a hefty wrench in his hands. He nodded, not as impressive as Lila's lead pipe, but it could work quite well.

"So... I say we get some rest here, then make a run out of the city," Lila suggested.

"Yeah. There's that gas station just outside city limits where we can grab some food and water and stuff. There's some farm houses before we get to the cottages we might be able to check out too," Joey said.

"Good idea. In the mean time we should get some water into us," Lila said, tossing a water bottle to her new companion.

"Where the hell did you get this?" Joey asked, just as he noticed the fridge behind Lila.

With a sigh he opened the water and started to drink it down. It was going to be a long night.


Haley pulled on her leather jacket before adjusting the belt that went across her torso. She ran her fingertips over her sword, admiring the oriental design before sheathing it. Wiping the blood from her mouth Haley moved out of the bedroom of her meal and went downstairs.

Passing the two zombie corpses she walked outside, under the light of the moon. The wind gusted across her pale skin. In the distance the fires of the city illuminated the sky in an orange glow.

She hoped some of them had survived. Humanity was running out of places to hide from this damn virus, and if they went extinct, so would her kind. It was going to be a long bloody night.

Next Chapter

Blood of the Damned pt 3

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 30th, 2009

Very late I'm aware, but here is part 2 of my zombie/vampire story. I do hope you all enjoy.

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Previous Chapter

Blood of the Damned

Part 2

5 Years Later

Joey MacPherson ran amongst the throngs of people through the streets of the city. In the skies above helicopters swerved between the buildings, their spotlights probing through the night. Screams filled the air, as the infected emerged from buildings to attack. There was nothing but chaos, and the military had no chance here of telling zombie from friendly.

Joe felt the terror grip his mind as he made his way through the crowds, elbowing and shoving to get to Crispin Bay Harbour, where rumour said the military were evacuating citizens of Brock Island.

In between the gridlocked streets, past burning cars, and bodies left to rot. The panic of the mob filled him, the hurry to get to safety pushed him onwards. He climbed over vehicles, pushed a woman carrying a child to the ground and forgot her.

The sound of a boat's air horn filled the air. Just down the street Joey could see the searchlights the military had put in place near the entrance. Barbed wire now lined the fences and armed soldiers stood near the gates.

The air horn was that of the last boat in the harbour, and it was pulling out.

"No!" Joey screamed, forcing himself past people that were no longer moving, through the throng that had been put to a stand still.

As he got closer to the harbour gates, Joe saw the throng thinning into three lines, each passing through a smaller gate the military had thrown together. Doctors and military medics were examining each person to go through, and for some it was taking awhile. Joey was impatient, that last boat was leaving, but he'd still be able to swim to it.

As he pushed his way towards the front of the line, screams erupted all around him, and groans of hunger. The infected were in the mob now, and the military immediately closed off their gates. The doctors ran to the comparable safety of the harbour's interior whilst the medics strung more razor wire across the entrances. Soldiers raised their M4 carbines towards the crowd, flicking off their safeties.

"Let us through, we're still alive," someone yelled, before a rock was thrown, smashing a soldier's helmeted head.

The man staggered, but quickly righted himself again. Searchlights aimed towards the crowd, as helicopters came down, picking up doctors and soldiers. The men on the gate were starting to look nervous as the crowd got angrier, and the infected moved amongst them.

The tide broke when an infected woman jumped at the gates, and a soldier let a burst of automatic rifle fire into her face. Blood spattered across the front row of the crowd, and the screams got louder. Panic set in fully and the harbour barricades were charged.

The soldiers opened fire without discrimination. Infected and human alike were shot down, their blood spattering across the street. Joe's eyes went wide and he turned, and started to run back into the city.

One of the helicopters above opened fire, the heavy machine guns tearing the figures below to pieces. Joe could only hope to make it to some sort of haven.

An infected jumped in front of him, his instinct kicked in and Joey punched the zombie in the face. He could feel its nose break, saw its head kick back... but it didn't go down. It lunged, tackling Joe to the ground. It snarled once, and dipped its head to bite into his neck.

Instead of the pain of his flesh being torn away, Joe instead heard the sound of metal connecting with bone, even over the gunshots. The infected fell off Joe, and the sound emanated twice more from beside him. Joe turned his head to see a lead pipe resting on the ground beside the zombie's busted skull, bits of brain spattered on the concrete, tufts of hair stuck to the metal of the pipe.

"Hey, get up, we have to get the fuck out of here," came a woman's voice.

Looking up Joe saw a young woman in jeans and a t-shirt standing above him, holding out her slim hand. Joe blinked as he took in the sight, before grasping her hand and getting to his feet.

"Where to?" he asked, looking around.

"The outskirts, the edges of the island. Our best chance is to find a private boat somewhere," she said, and started jogging towards an alley.

Joe looked back at the harbour, where the infected where running amok, pulling soldiers from their towers and tearing into them without mercy. He shuddered and followed the strange woman.


Haley let the body go, and looked out from the bedroom window of the house she'd broken into. Her tongue flicked across her lips, getting some of the blood smeared there from her meal.

The harbour had fallen, the survivors of the infection would scatter across the island now. Oddly enough, she would become their final hope soon enough.

Next Chapter

Blood of the Damned Pt 2

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 16th, 2009

Alright, so I was talking about a zombie story with some other fantastical twists, what you see below is an intro I wrote off the top of my head. More of it later.
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Blood of the Damned
Part 1

Haley shivered against the cold, and pulled the thin blanket tighter around her form. She clamped her eyes shut and tried to drive away the moans that drifted up the walls of the apartment complex. Nothing could though. They knew she was up here, trapped like a rat. No where to run, no food, no water, no bullets. Just a rooftop with a barricaded door that wouldn't last forever.

She had seen so many die, friends... family. So very many just killed in front of her eyes like cattle, and so many more she'd lost touch with once the rules of science had been shattered and creatures of hollywood legend began to shamble through the streets craving the flesh of those unlucky enough to be living in these times.

Life had not always been kind to her, but it had not been a bad life. She had many fond memories, memories that seemed so distant from that rooftop. Almost like they happened to another person. She couldn't even cry for herself anymore. She just curled up, listening to the moans of the dead, and the grumble of her stomach, demanding food that would never come. She considered stepping off the edge of the roof, just to tumble down into the horde below, but she didn't. Whether she was too cowardly, or simply clinging to hope that should not have been there, Haley didn't even know anymore.

Something cool and soft brushed against her cheek gently. Haley blinked and slowly opened her eyes. A pale woman knelt above her, her eyes a deep red, her hair a soft auburn. She smiled gently, her lush lips not parting as she knelt beside Haley.

"Who...," Haley started, finding it difficult to speak with such a parched throat.

"Quiet dear. I am the salvation of your species, and you will become my instrument," the woman said, kneeling closer.

"Species... has... has the virus spread... outside London," Haley muttered between smalls bursts of coughing.

"Indeed it has... and within time it will get off this island nation of yours. I offer a chance to avenge those closest to you, and to get you out of here," the stranger purred.

Haley looked up into the sky, saw the stars staring down at the Earth as if nothing had changed, and indeed in the universe nothing had. Down here, Hell had been unleashed. She focused on the pale beauty that had somehow gotten into her sanctuary, and noticed the fangs behind her lips.

"What's... the cost?"

"Damnation my dear."

Next Chapter

Blood of the Damned Pt. 1

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 15th, 2009

I have to write another zombie short like I did many... many pages back. Perhaps with a vampire character as well? Could be fun.

Regardless, not sure of the artist for the picture below, but I quite like it. Sexy, but not raunchy. If you don't like female sexuality, not the picture for you. If can not comprehend how a painter or digital artist can make something that someone might find sexually stimulating, not for you. If you want to start a crusade against art like this, get a fucking life and open your fucking eyes. People are getting massacred in the name of Gods and Messiahs, drugs are getting handed out like candy, rapists walk the streets, but fuck... if someone should look at a drawn picture with nudity, sexuality, or even implied then they have commited a horrible horrible sin. They should be condemned, humiliated, and degraded.

So let us forget the true evils of the world, to focus on some harmless sex, and make it seem like the most evil of things that looms over this world, even though without it we would have died out millions of years ago. Before you say that humans don't deserve to live, than you are a pessimistic and hateful fuck. Back on track, sex is a nice thing to have with a consensual partner. Should I see any comments about rape below, you are a sick fuck not even worth talking to, and you deserve a bullet to the brain to get you out of this world, because you are just part of the problem. Consensual sex is beautiful, no matter the gender either. I better not get any homophobic comments below either, because you're just another human hating problem.

The world is dark and forboding, to hate on people because of sex... wake the fuck up.

Enjoy the picture.

Rant with a Kiss

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 15th, 2009

Story Archive

Please comment on this page if you want to get a PM every time there is an addition to the Blood of the Damned universe.

Blood of the Damned is a zombie apocalypse story with my own vision of vampires set on a fictional island off the coast of North America.

The story contains strong violence and strong language.

Table of Contents:


Main Plot:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20


Halloween Special 2009
Christmas Special 2009

Blood of the Damned subscription/table of contents

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 14th, 2009

Table of Contents


So this is my FAQ for the story Blood of the Damned. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have here. I will answer if I can without spoiler anything that has not been revealed. So feel free, ask away.

However, please note that answers may contain spoilers if you have not read up to the currently posted chapter.

Questions that come up in chapter threads:

Q: What about human/zombie hybrids? Or Carriers?
A: Though a carrier could be a human/zombie hybrid, there are no carriers in my story. There is no other way that something could be considered a human/zombie hybrid as the virus changes a person into a zombie.

Q: Does time in the story flow along with real life?
A: No it does not. The time between Part 1 and 2 was five years. Between Part 2 and the soon to come part 12 has been a mere 24 hours.
The Holiday specials take place at some point after the initial outbreak which was actually a few weeks before Part 1.

Q: Why did John cut through the mouth to get to the brain rather than the skull?
A: John did this to prevent the brain from being overly exposed to the elements. The brain being the only true weakness of a zombie, it wouldn't be good to have the skull opened which could allow a zombie to be killed simply by running through a forest where branches and thorns could cut it up.

Blood of the Damned FAQ

Posted by sinfulwolf - September 7th, 2009

This page is dedicated to archiving my stories here on Newgrounds for easy access. This is also where one subscribes to be informed when a new story is brought up. Simply add a comment, only one is needed, excess will be deleted to save clutter when I go through to PM subscribers.


Stories in the Vault:

Blood of the Damned
-Contains Strong Violence and Strong Language
-As a virus ravages the world, turning victims into zombies, a few survivors must escape an island that was once one of the final bastions of humanity. Their only protection is their wits, their weapons, and a lone vampire warrior.
-Complete (February 22nd 2010)
*Note* More 'Specials' may still be posted.

War of the Damned
-Contains Strong Violence, Sexuality and Strong Language
-In the middle ages, a vampire warrior living on her own in the wilderness of Scotland soon receives word that one of her kind has betrayed the creed, and a war is brewing that could be the end of all humanity, or the end of all vampires.
-In Progress

Secrets Under Blood/ Secrets Under Sun
-Contains Strong Violence
-Entry into the Jan/Feb 2010 Monthly Writing Contest here on NG, acting as an introduction to War of the Damned
-Complete (March 1st 2010)
-Won 5th place in the contest

Zombie Hunter
-Contains Strong Violence
-A quick one shot about a long woman hunting zombies.
-Complete (August 1st 2008)

Contact Right
-Contains Mild Violence and Strong Language
-A writing exercise I did for myself.
-Complete (July 1st 2010)

St. Michael's Seraphim
-Contains Strong Violence and Strong Language
-Entry into the June 2010 Monthly Writing Contest on the Writing Forum of Newgrounds.
-Complete (June 2010)
-Did not place in the top 5 for the contest.

Tainted Souls
-Contains Strong Violence, Mild Language, and Strong Sexuality
-A pulpy Dark Fantasy tale following the adventures of the Elven Princess Arlenia, and the knight Rynn.


Writing Prompts and Exercises
-Mostly part of the writing forum's weekly writing prompt thread, this will be a catalog of my entries. Also any quick prompts or exercises I do on my own. Subscribers will not be notified of these updates simply because these are my own experiments rather than proper reading material. They are presented for those interested though.

Writing Prompt: Dialogue - April 10th 2011

Story Archives

Posted by sinfulwolf - August 1st, 2008

Story Archive

This is something I wrote a long time ago here on Newgrounds. The only thing I've changed since my blog reorganizing are these words above the title, as well as the Story Archive link.

Zombie Hunter

The creature took a few shambling steps forward, left foot dragging across the pavement of the street leaving behind a trail of crimson on the ashphalt. Its ruined face looked about, groaning out in eternal hunger. A few more steps as a few more zombies shambled from the shadows, the scent of someone living drafting through the small buildings of the dinky little town. They shambled down the street, searching, hunting.

The lead zombie's head exploded just as the crack of a rifle shot echoed through the town that had once been devoid of human life. Chunks of skull and brain matter splashed across the ground as the now permanent corpse tumbled down..

In the bell tower of the town's church, in its very heart, stood Sasha Winslow. A wandering survivor who refused the company of the living, instead seeking revenge against those who stole everything from her. She hunted the undead down, killing as many as she possibly could. Her hand deftly snapped up, unlocking the bolt of her rifle, and in a swift move pulled it back ejected the empty casing. She barely heard it bounce against the ledge of the tower and she slammed the bolt back into position, chambering another round.

A grin spread across her face as she pressed her right eye against the scope, gently closing her left. She settled the crosshairs on the next zombie's forehead, nestled just below the eyes, aiming straight for the nasal cavity. She made a few deep breaths before holding her breathing. Her finger settled on the trigger, and she gently squeezed. The shot surprised her as the rifle jumped in her shoulder, but she was already cocking the bolt, noting that the zombie went down as the back of its head popped open and sprayed the others behind it with gray and red gore.

It was going to be a good long day... and if she ran out of bullets, there was always the machete on her back.

Zombie Hunter